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Program Gizi Anak Sekolah: Promoting Fruits and Vegetables Consumption among School Children through Community Campaigning
West Java, Indonesia – In support of the Government School Meals Programme, and to celebrate the National Nutrition Day, local Government in Kuningan, West Java launched a community-based campaign on 7 February 2020 titled “Gebyar Gerakan Makan Buah dan Sayur (Gebyur)”. The launch was attended by 200 community members, including parents, heads of villages, headmasters, and Family Welfare Movement (PKK) members from the district, extending nutrition campaigns beyond just schools.
The community campaign was launched in-line with the pilot nutrition programme, as part of the National School Meals Programme or Program Gizi Anak Sekolah (Progas), an initiative created by the Ministry of Education, with support from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), Food Industry Asia (FIA), Cargill, and Japan Friends of WFP.
evolve and WFP representatives with key stakeholders of Progas in SDN 02 Ciloa
SDN 02 Ciloa Kramatmulya is the first school to receive a newly developed nutrition programme that focuses on increasing fruits and vegetable intake through games, digital campaign and community outreach.
“Eating habits and nutrition intake are strongly influenced by family members’ knowledge of balanced nutrition,” said H. Dian Rachmat Yanuar, Kuningan District Secretary on behalf of Kuningan Regent at the launch last Friday. “Thanks to WFP and FIA, nutrition education can be mobilized through communities.”
“Multi-sectoral collaborations are essential in creating a culture that delivers real, large-scale change in improving health and wellness in Asia,” highlighted Sabeera Ali, Nutrition Officer and Coordinator for evolve at FIA.
Campaign materials were simplified and made to be interactive based on the results from a study carried out to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of children and their caregivers towards the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
The pilot programme will go hand in hand with Progas, the Government School Meals Programme that provides nutritious breakfasts to rural schools across Indonesia. Indonesians are consuming twice as many cereals and less than half of the recommended daily fruits and vegetables – this lack of balanced consumption of nutrients from whole foods can lead to malnourishment.
By offering more interactivity using games, social media elements and community gardening efforts, the programme aims to draw connections between agriculture and good nutrition to enable children to make informed and healthy food choices for themselves and their families. “Nutrition education is a crucial push factor in reducing malnutrition in Indonesia,” says Peter Holtsberg WFP Indonesia Deputy Country Director.
About World Food Programme
The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies, building prosperity and supporting a sustainable future for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change. Follow us on Twitter @WFPIndonesia & @wfp_media.
About Food Industry Asia
FIA was founded in July 2010 by a group of leading food and beverage companies. From our base in Singapore, we seek to enhance the industry’s role as a trusted partner in the development of science-based policy in the region.
FIA provides an important hub for advocacy and debate. We bring together the food industry’s most senior business leaders to champion initiatives that promote sustainable growth and support regional policies that deliver harmonised results. Visit http://foodindustry.asia for further information.