who we are
evolve is a multi-stakeholder platform that facilitates and champions efforts to create scalable positive impact for the health and well-being of Asia.
About Usour approach

initiating collective dialogue
and commitment

enabling social
and behaviour change

building a knowledge hub
countries of focus

Sri Lanka
what's up
news & events

6th Annual Roundtable: Driving Health & Wellness in a Post-COVID World
Join us for the 6th evolve Roundtable taking place virtually on 24 and 25 September 2020. Themed Driving Health & Wellness in a Post-COVID World, this year’s roundtable will span across two sessions and bring together regional experts to drive a global effort to transform food systems, and explore challenges and opportunities in ensuring that healthy and nutritious foods are accessible and affordable to everyone.

FIA Dialogues 2020
FIA will be hosting our first major virtual event on 27-29 July, and while it doesn’t replace the in-person events we host, it’s a great opportunity to hear from senior executives in the industry on what they think a post-COVID world looks like and address key topics such as Health & Nutrition, New Innovations and Sustainability.

The Science behind Nutrition and Immunity
Good nutrition is critical for health, particularly in times when the immune system might need to fight back. We will review the role of micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids in their support of an effective immune system.

Program Gizi Anak Sekolah: Promoting Fruits and Vegetables Consumption among School Children through Community Campaigning
Local Government in Kuningan, West Java launched a community-based campaign on 7 February 2020 titled “Gebyar Gerakan Makan Buah dan Sayur (Gebyur)”. The campaign was launched in-line with the pilot nutrition programme, as part of the National School Meals Programme or Program Gizi Anak Sekolah (Progas), an initiative created by the Ministry of Education, with support from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), Food Industry Asia (FIA), Cargill, and Japan Friends of WFP.

A Yearly Roundup with evolve
2019 has been an exciting year for evolve with its new branding and strategies. With our vision broadened from initiating multi-stakeholder dialogue and addressing public health challenges, evolve will explore a wider array of activities, dialogues and partnerships that will drive a greater impact within communities.

5th Annual Roundtable: A World Free of Hidden Hunger
Themed A World Free of Hidden Hunger, the 5th ARoFIIN Roundtable aims to catalyze stakeholder relationships by bringing together regional experts to create and execute a collective global effort to transform diets and food production and to ensure accessible and affordable for everyone.

global issues
local solutions
evolve seeks to address public health challenges by providing a platform for collective action to improve the health and wellness of the people in Asia. Check out what went down at our 5th Annual Roundtable, where we convened over 60 delegates to discuss the role that various stakeholders have to play in ending hidden hunger in the region.
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